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Layer Settings

Layer Settings:Walkthrough this video to see How can we make changes to the layer settings in the dashboard in AIV.

The Layer properties are used to control the layer appearance in dashboard.

In order to go to Layer Settings,open or create a dashboard and click on setting icon available on the top right corner along with save button. Open Layer Settings List as below image;

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Layer Settings properties are as below;

Default Layer: used to set the default layer of the current dashboard.

Active Layer Name: Used to alter the name of Active layer.

Layer background: used to add color of layer background in dashboard, applied to all layers in dashboard.

Font Color: used to add font color to layer’s title.

Width: width used to increase or decrease width size of the layer in dashboard.

If you want add multiple layers to the dashboard. Click on the current layer title from edit view, then you will find the (+) Add New Layer button as shown in following figure:

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